- int * p; : p is a pointer to an integer.
- int p[10]; : p is an array of 10 integers.
- int *p[10]; : p is an array of 10 pointers to integers.
- int (*p)(int); : p is function pointer which takes an integer as argument and returns an int.
- int p (char a); : p is a function accepting a character and returning an integer.
- int p(char *a); : p is a function accepting a character pointer and returning an integer.
- int *p(char a); : p is a function accepting a character and returning a pointer to an integer.
- int *p(char *a); : p is a function accepting a character pointer and returning an integer pointer.
- int **p; : p is a pointer to pointer.
- int p(char (*a)[10]); : p is a function that accepts a pointer to an array of character and returns an integer.
- int (*p)[10]; : p is a pointer to an array of 10 integers.
Read also
Also Read
- Static and Dynamic Memory Allocation
- Memory Leak and Dangling Pointer
- Memory Allocation for 2D Array
- Dynamic Memory Allocation
- Pointer Constant and Constant Pointer
- Function and pointers
- Initializing Pointer to Pointer
- Pointer to Pointer Multiple Indirection
- Relationship between Arrays and Pointers
- Pointer to Array
- Pointer Arithmetic
- Types of Pointers
- Illustrate Basic Pointer Use
- Using Pointer
- Intializing Pointer
- Declaring Pointer
- Application of Pointers
- Value Model VS Reference Model
- What is Pointer
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