Binary codes
- Weighted codes
- Non-weighted codes
- Alphanumeric codes
- Error detecting and correcting codes
Weighted Codes
Obey positional weight principle.
A specific weight is assigned to each position of the number.
Eg : Binary, BCD codes
Non-weighted Codes
Do not obey positional weight principle.
Positional weights are not assigned.
Eg : excess-3 code, Gray code
Alphanumeric Codes
Designed to represent numbers as well as alphabetic characters.
Capable of representing symbols as well as instructions.
Error Detecting and Correcting Codes
When digital data is transmitted from one system to another, an unwanted electrical disturbance called ‘noise’ may get added to it.
This can cause an ‘error’ in digital information. That means a 0 can change to 1 or 1 can change to 0.
To detect and correct such errors special type of codes capable of detecting and correcting the errors are used.
Eg : Parity code, Hamming code.
BCD(Binary Coded Decimal) Code
In this code each digit is represented by a 4-bit binary number.
The positional weights assigned to the binary digits in BCD code are 8-4-2-1 with 1 corresponding to LSB and 8 corresponding to MSB.
Conversion from decimal to BCD
The decimal digits 0 to 9 are converted into BCD, exactly in the same way as binary.
Digital to BCD
0 - 0000
1 - 0001
2 - 0010
3 - 0011
4 - 0100
5 - 0101
6 - 0110
7 - 0111
8 - 1000
9 - 1001
Invalid BCD codes
With 4 bits we can represent total sixteen numbers (0000 to 1111) but in BCD only first ten codes are used (0000 to 1001)
Therefore remaining six codes (1010 to 1111)are invalid in BCD.
Conversion of bigger decimal numbers to BCD
Express each decimal digit with its equivalent 4-bit BCD code
Eg : Convert (964)10to its equivalent BCD code.
Decimal Number → 9 6 4
Binary Equivalent → 1001 0110 0100
There fore (964)10= (1001 0110 0100)BCD
Hence smallest number in BCD is 0000 i.e., 0 and largest is 1001 i.e., 9
after which 10 will be expressed by combinations i.e., 0001 0000 and is known as packed BCD
Comparison with Binary
Less efficient than binary, since conversion of a decimal number into BCD needs more bits than in binary
Eg., (22)10= (10110)2= (0010 0010)BCD
So BCD uses more bits than binary for the same decimal number.
BCD arithmetic is more complicated than binary arithmetic.
BCD –decimal conversion is simpler than Binary –decimal conversion.
Advantages of BCD codes
Its similar to decimal number system.
We need to remember binary equivalents of decimal numbers 0 to 9 only.
Conversions from decimal to BCD or BCD to decimal is very simple and no calculation is needed.
Disadvantages of BCD codes
Less efficient than binary, since conversion of a decimal number into BCD needs more bits than in binary
BCD arithmetic is more complicated than binary arithmetic.
XS-3 (Excess-3)Code
Non-weighted code.
Derived from BCD code (8-4-2-1 code)words by adding (0011)2 or (3)10 to each code word.
Write each digit in 4-bit binary code + (0011)
Decimal BCD XS-3
Therefore Hence smallest number in XS-3 is 0011 i.e., 0 and largest is 1100 i.e., 9
1 0001 0100
Conversion of decimal numbers XS-3 code
Eg : Convert (964)10to its equivalent XS-3 code.
Decimal Number → 9 6 4
XS-3 Equivalent → 1100 1001 0111
Therefore (964)10= (1100 1001 0111)XS-3
Conversion of XS-3 code to equivalent decimal numbers:
Eg : Convert (0011 1010 1100)XS-3to its equivalent decimal number.
Therefore (1010 0011 1100)XS-3= (709)10
Gray Code
Non-weighted code.
It has a very special feature that only one bit will change, each time the decimal number is incremented, therefore also called unit distance code.
Binary and Gray conversions
For Gray to binary or binary to Gray conversions let’s understand rules for Ex-OR
Ex-OR is represented by symbol ( )
Conversion from Binary to Gray code
Step 1: Write MSB of given Binary number as it is.
Step 2: Ex-OR this bit with next bit of that binary number and write the result.
Step 3: Ex-OR each successive sum until LSB of that binary number is reached.
Eg : Convert (1010011)2to its equivalent Gray code.
Therefore (1010011)2 = (1111010)Gray
Conversion from Gray to Binary
Step 1: Write MSB of given gray number as it is.
Step 2: Ex-OR this bit with next bit of that binary number and write the result.
Step 3: Continue this process until LSB of that binary number is reached.
Eg: Convert (1010111)Gray to its equivalent Binary number.
ASCII-(American Standard Code for Information Interchange)
Universally accepted alphanumeric code.
Used in most computers and other electronic equipments. Most computer keyboards are standardized with ASCII.
When a key is pressed, its corresponding ASCII code is generated which goes to the computer.
Contains 128 characters and symbols.
Since 128 = 27hence we need 7 bits to write 128 characters. Therefore ASCII is a 7 bit code.
Can be represented in 8 bits by considering MSB = 0 always.
Hence we have ASCII codes from 0000 0000 to 0111 1111 in binary or from 00 to 7F in hexadecimal.
The first 32 characters are non-graphic control commands (never displayed or printed) eg., null, escape
The remaining characters are graphic symbols (can be displayed and printed). This includes alphabets (capital and small), punctuation signs and commonly used symbols.
So ASCII code consists of 94 printable characters, 32 non printable control commands and “Space” and “Delete” characters = 128 characters
EBCDIC-(Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code)
8-bit code.
Total 256 characters are possible, however all are not used.
There is no parity bit used to check error in this code set.
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