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C Program using structure

/* C program to accept Student Information (Rollno, Name, Percentage) and display same information using structure. */ 

struct StudentInfo 
{ int Rno; 
char Sname[20]; 
float Percentage; 
void main() 
{ printf("\n Enter Student Information:"); 
printf("\n Student Roll number, Name, Percentage "); 
printf("\n Roll Number : %d",s1.Rno); 
printf("\n Student Name : %s",s1.Sname); 
printf("\n Percentage : %.2f",s1.Percentage); 

A structure can contain an array as its member. In the StudentInfo structure, the structure contains a string which is an array of characters. If we wish to store the marks of 4 subjects of a student, the declaration will be: 

struct StudentInfo 
{ int Rno; 
char Sname[20]; 
int marks[4]; 
float avg; 

The members will be 
s.Rno, s.Sname, s.marks[0]…s.marks[3], s.avg
