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Software Definition, computer languages used to create softwares

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What is Software ?

Software Defination, Examples and programming languages for creating software

Awesome ! You have amazing question " What is the software ? ". Many of you think that it's a simple term , But it's not a term but it's a big industry. Billions of dollars market. In this covid19 pandemic software industry helped us to connect each other through video, audio calls.

Social media channels given us opportunity to share our thoughts easily with wider audience. There are so Many applications of softwares. Software help us in each every field. Software makes our work easy. Software help us to share messages, write notes etc.

Many of you asked your teachers about softwares. Maybe ! They gave you the answer to this Question. But that was not sufficient for you to understand software. Do you know why ? Because many teachers just answer like this " Software is the inside part of a computer which manages all activities of computers and works with hardware ".

Did You know software and hardware are two very essential parts of a computer. Without software and with hardware, a computer is a static machine. We can say it dumb machine. So, without software, computers can't work properly. They can't accept our data and process it properly.

So, that software is an essential component of a computer. Software and hardware are two brothers which are dependent on each other. If one of them is not present then your computer is useless.

Define software

Short Definition of software : Software is a group of computer programs where each program performs a specific task.

Big Definition of software Software is the essential part of computer. It is a group of programs where each program contains group of instructions Which perform specific task. Instructions written by using computer languages eg : C , C++ etc. Each instruction tells the computer to perform a specific Job. When multiple programs grouped together then we call it Software.

Examples of softwares

OS softwares and system softwares.

Android is operating system software. Which handle your phone systems and software applications. Examples of OS softwares : Windows, MacOS , IOS , Linux etc. These are big softwares which contains lots of computer programs which perform necessary tasks. Such as Writing, deleting , updating data. Managing memory, storing data. Managing hardware components like camera , torch, sounds , charging etc Overall the softwares which are used to manage hardware are called system softwares.

Application softwares

Calculator in your smartphone and desktop computer is an application software. Generally these Applications softwares known as Apps. We see that in our mobile we daily use different types of apps according to our needs like social networking apps : facebook, instagram, whatsApp,YouTube, twitter etc. Office working apps like : MS Office (Word , Excel, PowerPoint) , Google Suit (docs,slides,sheets).

These are the application softwares. They are a group of programs which performs specific tasks. Application softwares created by people like us. There are platform oriented application softwares like for IOS (by Apple iPhone) platform we need IOS guidelines compiled Apps. For Android ( by Google) platform we need android guideline compiled apps. For desktop-like windows (by Microsoft )we need desktop compiled apps.

Computer languages used to create softwares

There are different types of computer languages. Each of them has a specific purpose and unique features.

Examples : C, C++,Java, Python, HTML5,CSS, Javascript,PHP,Perl,Rust,R,Go,Ruby,Swift,Dart, Kotlin etc.

Let's classify above programming languages According to different platforms' needs.

Programming languages for Mobile Application software (Apps) Development.

iphone (iOS) : Programming Languages used for creating iphone apps is Swift, Dart.

Android phone (Android) Java, Kotlin, Dart.

Programming language for Desktop Apps and system apps

Languages used for creating system apps and desktop apps are C,C++, C sharp, Dart, python etc.

Programming languages for Web Apps and Websites.

Programming languages used for creating browser based applications and websites are HTML5,CSS, Javascript, Dart and Js framework like Angular, React, Venula etc.

Programming languages for Data science

Programming languages like Ruby,Rust,R, Go and Python used in Data science applications, Artificial intelligence etc.

Finally you learned what is the software and different languages for creating different purposes and platform softwares.

Help others to understand software clearly and easily. Please comment below How much you understand software.



Happy birthday Hardik Pandya | In C programming

  Happy birthday Hardik Pandya . Now you are  28 years old. Great achievement you have. Let's we want to talk more about Hardik pandya. He is great cricketer. Pandya is awesome. In this Blog Post we are going to wish pandya " Happy birthday using C program". Let's tune with us till end. Now we have to wish pandya, so we are going to use printf () function printing message to pandya as " Happy birthday Hardik pandya Now you are 28 years old". Hardik pandya was born on 11 October in 1993. Now we are going to declare a variable called as current_age = 2021 - 1993. It calculate current age Of Hardik pandya. See the "Happy birthday pandya" using c programming. If you liked this Blog Post then don't forget to share with your computer science learning friends. Once again " Happy birthday Hardik Pandya sir". Read also Happy Rakshabandhan wish using C program Friendship day 2021 greetings in C

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Graph Data Structure

Graph A graph can be defined as a group of vertices and edges that are used to connect these vertices. A graph can be seen as a cyclic tree, where the vertices (Nodes) maintain any complex relationship among them instead of having parent child relationship. A graph G can be defined as an ordered set G(V, E) where V(G) represents the set of vertices and E(G) represents the set of edges which are used to connect these vertices. A Graph G(V, E) with 5 vertices (A, B, C, D, E) and six edges ((A,B), (B,C), (C,E), (E,D), (D,B), (D,A)) is shown in the following figure. Directed and undirected graph Graph terminology Graph Representation Directed Graph Adjancency Matrix Graph Traversal Depth first search algorithm Directed and undirected graph A graph can be directed or undirected. However, in an undirected graph, edges are not associated with the directions with them. An undirected graph does not have any edges in directions. If an edge exists between ver

How to write programs in Bhai language

Bhai Language Bhai language is fun Programming language , with this language you can makes jokes in hindi. Bhai language written in typescript. It's very funny , easy and amazing language. Keywords of this language written in Hindi . Starting and ending of the program Start program with keyword " hi bhai " and end with " bye bhai ". It's compulsory to add this keyword before starting and end on the program. You write your programming logic inside this hi bhai and bye bhai . How to declare variables in Bhai language We use " bhai ye hai variable_name" keyword for declaring variables. In javascript we use var keyword for declaring variables but here you have to use " bhai ye hai " keyword. If you are declaring string then use " " double quotes. You can use Boolean variable like sahi and galat for true and false . How to print output in Bhai language You have to use " bol bhai " keyword for