Did you know How to wish your sister and brother on this Raksha bandhan 2021 using c program. Yes ! We can wish our brothers and sisters by doing coding in c. Here is the code you should look.
August 22 is the Rakshabandhan day. It's very important event where sister gives protection to her brother using " Rakhi" which is threade Decorated with various shiny materials. "Rakhi" is the worlds biggest security provided by sister to brother. This day brings family members , friends together. Overall Rakshabandhan is awesome event.
In the above c program we used char data type. which is array of character. means they are strings. We declared following array of characters or string array. Brother, sister, message are the most importantant array of character and remained two are wishword and startword. wishword Array contain group of words which are following : fabulous, happy, sweet great etc. These are the word which makes you wishes standout. startword is the Array of string contain simple sentence. The sentence is " I wish you very". This the starting line of your wish.
After that we used print function and called all variables Using data specifier for string is (%s).
Here you have to chnage only brother and sister name. And send code to your brother , sister. Tell them run this code in browser based C compiler like programiz.
Congrats ! You learned how we can use power of variables to store different strings and wish our dear sisters and brothers on this Rakshabandhan.
At last wish you very happy Rakshabandhan and take care your brothers and sisters. Help them move forward and make their Bright future.
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