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Showing posts from April, 2023

Quiz tells you what type of wife you want

What Type of Wife are You Looking For? Attend this quiz and know your wife expections Quiz reveals type of wife you expect, lets answer carefully... Personality Questions: 1. What type of personality are you looking for in a wife? Quiet and reserved Outgoing and social Intelligent and witty 2. What type of sense of humor are you looking for in a wife? Dry and sarcastic Witty and clever Playful and silly 3. What type of interests are you looking for in a wife? Intellectual and educational Creative and artistic Athletic and outdoorsy Values Questions: 4. What type of family values are you looking for in a wife? Traditional and conservative Open-minded and progressive Balanced and equal 5. What type of political views...

According to astrology you need this attitude to be successfull in life

Lets us know what type of Attitude you should have to be successfull in life according to astrology What type of attitude you need to be successful... check it. Check Here is Result To see this ,share with 3 best friends on WhatsApp! WhatsApp back

Understanding in JavaScript

Hey! Today i am going to share with you how to use function in javascript As a JavaScript developer, you may come across the need to programmatically click a link on a web page. The method is a commonly used way to do this, and it is important to understand how it works and when to use it. What is is a method that can be used to simulate a click on a link element in JavaScript. It is typically used when you want to trigger a link click event programmatically, rather than requiring the user to physically click the link. How to use Using is relatively straightforward. First, you need to select the link element you want to click using a DOM selector such as getElementById() or querySelector(). Then, you can call the click() method on the link element to simulate a click. Here is an example: // select the link element const myLink = document.getElementById('my-link'); // simulate a cl...