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Showing posts from December, 2021

Array Data Structure

Array Array is the most used data structure . Array structure helps us to store data in linear order.In this blogpost we are going to learn about arrays and different operations performed on arrays using various algorithms. We are going to see Row Major and Column Major Matrix , Sparse Matrix and Representation of Sparse Matrix , Different types of Sorting Techniques ,like bubble, Insertion,Merge,Quick sort , Different Searching Techniques like Linear Search and Binary Search . Please take a help of following menu to jump on specific topic Introduction to Arrays Row Major and Column Major Sparse Matrix and Representation of Sparse Matrix Sorting Techniques:- Bubble, Insertion, Merge, Quick Searching Techniques:- Linear search, Binary Search what is Array Array is a collection of elements of similar data type. Array is a fixed size sequential collection of elements of same data type that share a common name. An Array is a derived data type. All elements of Array ...

Data Structure

Data Structure Data and structure forms Data Structure . we are arranging data inside the memory logically. this is not a real data structure we implement in physical memory. but we logically arrange data inside memory using various structures which are usefull to do operations on the data. data Structure allows us to perform various operations like inserting, deleting, traversing, searching etc. we can perform number of structure helps to build scalable applications. world's top companies making use of data structure and making billions. worlds biggest search engine like Google focuses more on data structure , algorithm skillset.facebook uses graph data structure to manage your and your friends post. data Structure gives us flexibility to handle big data easily. in simple words arranging information/data in specific structure. we have different types of structures like Array,linkedlist,stack, queue,graph,tree. many times we have questions like why we have to us...